sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Confianza en uno mismo

 "La única discapadad que hay en la vida es tener una mala actitud "

Creo que ya sea por la falta de confianza que nosotros tengamos en nosotros mismo; las bajas expectativas; o el poco espíritu de logro; hace que no consigamos lograr lo que nos propongamos. Lo que realmente nos limita en la vida a conseguir algo es el hecho de que no creamos  que somos capaces de lograrlo.

 "Los límites los marcamos nosotros, cuanto más altos nos los propongamos, mas lejos llegaremos"

As we can see in this video, "the only disability  in life  is a bad attitude". People's lack of confidence due to what others think about us, our expectations, or even a lack of personal achievement is what actually make us not achieve our goal. I strongly believe that the only thing that avoid achieving what we want, its our phicological barriers, that is, the lack of having a possitive attitude to what we want to get.

"It is my belief that the mayor diffculty of the goal we set, the mayor greatness we get after achiving it"

Regrets isn't a good feeling. You regret things you should have done, but didn't, and things you did, but shouldn't have done. The problem with regret is that you're always looking back. It's better to look forward. You should focus, not on what you should have done, but on what you should be doing now and what you should do in the future.

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